The Year Unfolding
Herdwick in all its moments of seasonal diversity. Each month, a colour palette iconically Lakeland, signing nature’s markers for when things need to be done on the farm and fell.
There's no perfect time to experience the beauty. Each season tells a unique story — from the changing hues of the fells to the shifting patterns of clouds and light. Weather fluctuations can bless or challenge a photographer, whether within a month or even a single day. Yet, amidst these variables, the blend of Cumberland, Westmorland, and North Lancashire offers a canvas that ignites my creative mind.
My work aims to capture the fell-farming existence here, devoid of contrivance or
romanticisation. The pictures in this book reflect the truth of Herdwick country—honest, unfiltered life. From my most loved moments, I've distilled a narrative of one notional year, showcasing the enduring specialness of this place and its inhabitants.
This photographic journey, supplemented with insightful captions, commences in March, a month teetering between winter's grasp and the promise of spring. As lambs await their moment of arrival, each valley prepares for a metamorphosis of colour and renewal.